Thursday, January 31, 2008

Peak wind gusts were measured today at 68 mph, but now the wind has become calm. Even that wind didn't push out the high tide. I did catch a 17 inch trout on the pier last evening. Bill waded the HEB shoreline Tuesday and said the little trout were everywhere, but he never got a keeper.
A CPL truck came by yesterday and replaced the whole fixture of our security light near 701. John worked today to try to get the pier lights repaired. He has the most lights working than I have seen in a long while. He said he has ordered a timer for the Phase 2 pier lights since they have been on 24/7 for almost two years.
All the "Patterson for Sheriff" signs are gone from around the motel. Maybe they didn't have permission to put them up.
About two months ago a gravel parking lot was constructed at the airport. I have seen as many as 200 vehicles parked there night and day and weekends. No one that I asked knew what that was for. Finally they put up a sign. It says,"offshore parking." Mystery solved. They are using it for parking for workers who are transported by helicopter to the offshore rigs.


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