Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The winter fishing pattern continues to be a bit different. The tide is really high for this time of year and the water clarity is not good. Don Gormley took his boat out Sunday and fished Aransas Bay with no success at all. Some of the guys went wading near Aransas Pass yesterday morning and caught one keeper trout right off the bat and then, not another bite. The water temperature remains about 60 degrees. I did see someone catch a trout out of the Rockport harbor yesterday.
I visited with Beverly Peddy yesterday. She said that the December financial statements are ready and she will mail them out in the next few days. We should have had very few expenses these last two months. There has been no construction activity. Ron has completed the river rock project on the flower beds. I don't know what he will start on now. Remodeling continues on 101. Another owner said that Rob said that Justin and his family will move into the unit when finished.
The big security light next to 701 remains out. Of course, we are billed the same whether it is working or not. Generally, CPL comes out the next day after being called. Five pier lights remain out.
It appears that 508 has not yet closed. The "for sale" signs are still in the window.


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