Fellow Owners,
It has been some time since communication has been made to you so I thought I would let you know about some of the recent decisions, events and ongoings:
* The old pier - When the new "Super Pier" was funded and constructed the plan (discussed at an owner's meeting) was to minimize upkeep cost on the old pier and eventually abandon it whenever it reached the point of "financial" no return. Well, the high tides of Alex and the following tropical depression took us there. It is definitely past the point of reasonable repair. Given the pier's current condition the only realistic repair plan would be to start over with new taller posts and build an entire new pier. This is in the $100K+ range. Nothing of this size can be decided before the next Owner's Meeting, therefore; we will save the three lights that are currently bolted to existing posts, we will have the boards stripped from posts and possibly sell (eBay or craigslist) some of old weathered lumber, keep the good lumber for future projects and per the GLO we have as long as 5 years to remove the old posts.
* There are discussions about adding the old pier lights to the new pier to increase the amount of high quality fishing area. There have also been discussions about purchasing a couple more lights to put on the new pier and adding an extra "turn out" to the pier. We also discussed building several wooden benches with backs on them to permanently mount at the T-head of the pier. Any extra lumber oriented projects will use the good lumber salvaged from the old pier.
* WIFI - I have been bird dogging this item for four months now. All quotes that we have been given exceed $10K per year. Some are high initial cost with low monthly fees and some are the inverse. Regardless, due to the high dollar amount we will bring that to the Owner's Meeting in November. We currently have a WIFI system and it is operating. From what I am told it is a residential grade system and does not have the horsepower to support our complex. The solution is not a simple or inexpensive fix.
* Financially - I do not have a deep dive on the finances but can tell you that we are doing much better than we were 3 to 4 months ago. We are by no means wealthy but we have money to make the necessary repairs to keep us moving forward.
* On Thursday July 15th I met with JR Gimler, our property manager, John Schiller, our maintenance employee, and Tony the guy that does our lawn care. We did an hour long property walk discussing expectations of how the property should be groomed (bushes, edging, weed eating etc). With several follow-up meetings we are seeing success with this program.
* I picked up at Sam's three additional chaise lounge chairs for the pool several months ago. The cloth is already tearing so they will be returned for a refund. I visited Mustang Towers at Port A last week and they had very nice high quality, heavy duty white rigid plastic lounge chairs. They were comfortable and had an adjustable back rest like our existing chairs. Zero maintenance in our salt water environment. I plan to look into those for the future.
* Sand on the front beach - The recent high tides took out a large amount of the sand off the front beach. All of the tie back anchors for the bulk head in front of the 300 building are exposed. We will need to bring in sand and have it spread. The good news is that some landscaping changes along the bulkhead behind 308 have minimized the amount of sand loss. Had this happened 3 yrs ago we would needed twice as much sand.
* We are looking at upgrading the many signs around the property. Quite a few are looking worn and need to be improved.
* Glass at the pool - This has been a problem lately. Many pool users disregard the pool rules and bring in glass. Some get rather upset when they are asked to switch to plastic. I have asked the rental office to highlight the importance of the pool rules when guests check in. We are going to put up several additional signs at the pool specifically addressing the No Glass rule.
* Our insurance policy is up in early August. We will have insurance in place in a timely manner and we will ditribute to owners proof of insurance for their mortgage companies.
I am sure there is more but that is all I can think of at this time. Feel free to call me or email me with any questions.
Cell: 713-725-3860
Email: scottschomburg@gmail.com
Thank you,
Scott Schomburg